Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Definition of Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, and Abiogenesis

Welcome fellow bloggers, hope all of you are doing well! As stated before i will be doing this blog as a way to help us all learn a little something about Microbiology.  This week we will be describing what distinguishes prokaryotic from eukaryotic. 
 Prokaryotic:                                                                         Eukaryotic:                                                       
lacks a membrane-bonded organelles           Has a true nucleus 
unicellular                                                          Membrane-bonded organelles
DNA/Chromosomes are circular                    Unicellular/multicellular
Have ribosomes                                                DNA linear
Have cell membrane                                         
Have cell walls

Spontaneous Generation (abiogenesis):
A theory, widely held in the 19th century and earlier but now discredited, stating that living organisms could arise directly and  rapidly from nonliving material.

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