- Flagella is the first way they can move around. Flagella are long and thin, they extend past the surface and their glycocalyx. They help propel the cell body through its environment. There are 4 different types of flagella. Monotrichous, amphitrichous, lophotrichous, and peritichous.
2. Fimbriae is the second form in which they move. Fimbriae are sticky, shorter and abundant. The stickiness of their bristles help them to adhere to each other and environment. Also, when in the biofilm they play an important role by conducting electrical signals among the cells in the biofilm. Thus, helping in communication.
3. Pili does not necessarily move the cell around, but it does help in a different way. Pili are mid-length between flagella and fimbriae. They are also know as conjugation pili because they help mediate the transfer of DNA from one cell to another.