Sunday, February 12, 2012

Encounter with E.coli or not??

   About 7 or 8 years ago, my family and I had just moved back to New Jersey from Texas.  We were all excited to be back to our home town and with our family and old friends.  Make the long story short, my sisters and a couple of my cousins decided to go out to eat at this Dominican spot.  We go in, order what we usually get and sit down to eat.  I remember we were all having fun laughing at each other and enjoying the food.  We end up going home and I believe a week or so goes by and my sister starts having stomach cramps.  Thinking it was nothing my mother gave her some medicine that would take the pain away.  However, that was not the case, she actually got worse.  She started with cramps that led to diarrhea and ended up getting a fever.  We were home just relaxing waiting for my mom to come back home from work when my sister came out and told us that she was bleeding every time she went to the bathroom.

   We all waited for my mom to come home and when she did we told her what was going on.  We ended up taking my sister to the emergency room and she ended  up being there for almost 2 weeks.  They would run test every day to determine what it was she had and everyday she was there it seemed that she got worse.  Little by little she got better with the medicine she was taking, she got discharged and we went home.  In the end I never really knew what it was she had, but from taking this Microbiology class I come to my own conclusion that it must have been E.coli.  I do not know if it truly was this, but with all the symptoms you get from this disease and what my sister had there is a really close resemblance to this bacteria.  

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